Fine Line Studios is an arts based day program for adults with disabilities, located in the Bridgeton neighborhood of St. Louis, Missouri. We are a part of Resources for Human Development, a national human services nonprofit specializing in creating innovative quality services that support people of all abilities. At Fine Line Studios, our mission is to support adults with disabilities through the arts, and provide an environment that fosters a range of skill sets that build confidence and personal empowerment.
Through the arts, we enrich the lives of those we serve.
What we do
We provide our artists with choices in their daily activities from painting to making music to trips to local art galleries and more.
Meet Our Artists
Each of our artists is uniquely talented, has their own artistic style, and chooses what they want to create each day they attend FLS.
Click here to learn more about our artists

FLS Merchandise for sale
Roxie Tomek’s “Baby Elephant” tote bags for sale at the St. Louis Artists’ Guild!
Stay tuned! We will soon have merchandise for sale online.
Fine Line Studios provides the opportunity for artists to make and sell their work. We assist our artists to develop their own artistic style and market their art. Artists receive 80% of their sales and 20% contributes to supplies and studio programming. In the meantime, several t-shirt designs and tote bags are currently for sale at the St. Louis Artists’ Guild ArtShop. You can also check to see which art festivals we will be participating HERE.
Current t-shirt styles available in sizes S - XL at the St. Louis Artists’ Guild ArtShop.